Through participatory monitoring approaches, we implement ground-breaking and practical action research initiatives aimed at addressing fundamental social challenges in the Global South. In this process, we partner with like-minded individuals, organizations, and institutions to implement and track joint actions, identify lessons learned and best practices, and use them to drive evidence-based development. The following are our strategic research focus areas. You can get involved by volunteering or offering technical and financial support.

Economic livelihoods
At CARD Ltd, we believe that meaningful development begins at the family and proceeds to community, national, and global levels. Millions of people all over the world depend on informal economic activities for their livelihoods. CARD Ltd seeks to contribute to informal economic development by influencing production, supply, and financial mechanisms through development of feasible micro-economic models informed by rigorous practical research work.

Climate change tracking
Inaccessible information to communities on climate change trends and looming disasters like severe droughts and floods hinder early response to the effects of climate change. Provision of real-time information to communities to coordinate climate change responses can be a game-changer in climate change mitigation and adaptation. At CARD Ltd, we harness climate change data regularly to inform better decisions on climate change adaptation by relevant stakeholders.

Health promotion
Developing countries continue to face challenges in providing health care, particularly in addressing infectious and non-infectious diseases. Despite decades of fighting against malaria, HIV/AIDS, and TB, the COVID-19 pandemic has further strained scarce resources and negatively impacted health care delivery. CARD Ltd has prioritized mental health as one of the urgent areas that require attention with focus on research and health communication. CARD Ltd also seeks partnership in addressing other health challenges in the Global South.

Peace and conflict
CARD Ltd recognizes that civil wars have significant detrimental effects on human development, particularly in developing countries. According to research, more than 12% of the world's population is affected by active conflicts in 37 countries. Therefore, CARD Ltd is focusing on developing innovative methods for analyzing trends in peace and conflict, as well as forming partnerships to address violent conflicts through peaceful means.